
Diana Thurgood

About Me

From the moment I could walk and talk, I’ve lived and breathed animals. Over time I realised that the only way I can rationalise this obsession, is to be their voice.

Outwardly I’ve led what probably appears to be an eccentric existence. Surrounded by animals of all descriptions, living in an isolated location and working from home with minimal social contact. Writing feverishly and obsessively and then taking breaks to replenish and refill. Inwardly however, I believe there is nothing odd about it at all. Unconventional yes but conventions are overrated.

Animals are great teachers and guides and over the years I’ve been blessed with many remarkable friendships with companion, farm and native animals. They have also led me to explore and attempt to document the fascinating field of the human-animal bond.

You might expect my life to have followed a fairly predictable trajectory but I ended up taking a bit of a detour in my late teenage years. 

I attended James Ruse Agricultural High School and then went on to complete a Degree in Applied Science in Agriculture majoring of all things, in animal agriculture. It wasn’t me, it most definitely wasn’t me. The good news is that in my second year I woke up and reclaimed my soul. I swapped my major to conservation farming and went on to write environmental articles for a number of conservation organisations after graduation. This then led to a career in Learning Design and I have written professionally in the education sphere ever since.

In 1995, I moved to Berambing, a small town in the Blue Mountains. There I created an animal sanctuary and in 2010, I started a blog about the animals. I authored this for several years but life changed again and the demands of single motherhood, working full time and caring for fifty plus animals made the blog difficult to maintain.

In 2021, after a ten-year break from writing, I picked up a short story I had previously written called “Toby and Tiff”. I began working on the story with the aim of developing it into a full-length manuscript. Of course, that short story is now ‘Second Chance’.

I still live on the forty-acre property in Berambing, with my three children Kelsea, Kyle and Alana and our beloved animal family. I love reflecting on life’s mysteries as well as my purpose, writing, caring for animals and losing myself in nature’s majesty. 

More about me

Current and Future Projects and Services

Second Chance is my first published work, and I am currently working on three other projects including a children’s book, adapting another true short story and a memoir.

I currently work for Learning Plan as a Lead Learning Designer and have expertise creating immersive learning experiences, simulations, animations, video scripting

and production. Over the past thirty years my work has received numerous awards including British Interactive Media Awards, Brandon Hall of Fame, Chicago Film Festival, Human Resource Executive, LearnX, and AITD Excellence Awards finalist.

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